[WARNING – PROFANE LANGUAGE] Hillary Clinton defends “bunch of F—ERS” label for GOP Legislators from Biden’s Deputy Chief of Staff.

The media outlet, The Hill, reported Biden’s incoming Deputy Chief of Staff, Jen O’Malley Dillon now feels she shouldn’t have referred to Republican lawmakers, including but not limited to Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as “… a bunch of f—-ers. Mitch McConnell is terrible,’” in her interview with Glamour magazine.

“… a bunch of f—ers. Mitch McConnell is terrible,'”

Jen O’Malley Dillon – Biden Deputy Chief of Staff – public description of GOP lawmakers.

It is noted, the 2020 Presidential election has evidence of massive wide-spread election fraud and irregularites, seemingly enough to easily sway the election. The GOP lawmakers Biden’s staff calls “f—ers” have yet to raify the illegal ballots, criminally certified for Joe Biden.

Hillary Clinton came to the Biden-staffer’s defense as demonstrated by her reply to the article posted on social media by The Hill.


The left’s contempt for the law grows as all morals seem to hae left the Party for some time.  A comparison of the left’s hypocrisy is demonstrated in the meme below:

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God Bless America !!!

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