Russians Pay Only $1.41 USD Per Gallon of Gasoline In Biden’s Plan to Punish Russia.

Of course the world understands the average Russian salaray is less than the average American salary.  But Biden’s plans to punish Russia

[VIDEO] Did President Trump Send a Signal?

As the fraudulent inauguration of Joe Biden slithers closer to World History, and martial law grips America with Washington D.C. under military

[VIDEO] Martial Law Grips DC Prepping for Biden’s Fraudulent Inauguration

As the fraudulent inauguration of Joe Biden draws ever nearer, martial law grips the nation as military troops lockdown Washington, D.C. Please

[VIDEO] Biden-Endorsed Fascist Censorship

  Neither Joe Biden, nor his running-mate Senator Kamala Harris have condemned the open, fascsist censorship Big Tech and the Lame Stream

The US Constitution & The Declaration of Independence | $2 with FREE DELIVERY available to #BankruptBezos

Americans engaging in their Constitutional Rights should be armed with the documents our Founding Fathers bestowed upon us. The Right to Freedom

[VIDEO-BREAKING] President Trump Condemns Violence & Big-Tech Censorship of Free Speech from the Oval Office

President Trump Oval Office 1-13-2021

President Donald J. Trump speaks from the Oval Office and addresses the Nation on the peaceful assembly and violence in Washington D.C.



President Trump has a new message for America.  And America’s re-elected President has a new social media account at without all

[VIDEO-BREAKING] US Embassy Rome: ITaly did IT – Will Biden Concede To America’s Re-Elected President Trump?

Renzi Obama treason

Many questions remain for Americans and the world at large: When will Joe Biden concede to America’s Re-Elected President Trump? Was this

[VIDEO-BREAKING] False-Flag PsyOp – ‘Trump-Supporters’ Blamed as Police Led Mob into our Capitol while Fraudulent Biden Electoral Votes Were Counted

Police led mob into Capitol

The Lame-Stream-Media lies continue to polute America’s understanding of the Truth of what happened in our United (for how long) States Capitol

[WARNING: VIOLENT VIDEO] Gunman Shoots & Kills Unarmed Veteran Ashli Babbitt – #FalseFlag

Alex Jones Lays Out What Really Happened At The US Capitol Warning: The above video link contains graphic violence.  Alex Jones financed