[VIDEO] Sen. Klobuchar Warns of Dominion – Then cries “COUP” learning Dominion’s Biden Electors are Challenged

Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley stated he would be challenging the ratification/certification of Biden electors in the joint session scheduled for January 6, 2021. Massive amounts of evidence of widespread election fraud is mounting daily.

Senator Hawley had announced early in the day on December 30, 2020 that he would be challenging the Biden electors chosen by election fraud invilving the corrupted Dominion voting machines.

Senator-elect Tuberville has also suggested he would favor a challenge of the corrupted, fraudulent Biden electors.

The hypocrisy of Senator Klobuchar is demonstrable in her own letter she co-authored with Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden along with Representative Marc Pocan (all Democrats), where they wared about the Dominion voting machines and other technology and its financiers that can be used to corrupt our elections. The Western Journal had published an article on their letter from .

Former Democrat President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State, Republican James Baker teamed up in 2005 and determined voting by mail invites fraud into our election process that was already vulnerable to fraud. The Daily Singnal wrote an article on their bipartisan report examining election fraud and vote by mail. Carter has recently ‘changed his tune’ now that Biden is accepting the fraudulent results of the rigged election Carter himself warned America to avoid. Jimmy Carter now claims voting by mail is needed to battle the politicized pandemic people are beginning to question more and more everyday.

Joe Biden's election fraud confession

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God Bless America !!!

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