[VIDEO-BREAKING] US Embassy Rome: ITaly did IT – Will Biden Concede To America’s Re-Elected President Trump?

Renzi Obama treason

Many questions remain for Americans and the world at large: When will Joe Biden concede to America’s Re-Elected President Trump? Was this

[VIDEO] 30,593 Trump votes deducted & 12,173 votes flipped to Biden in GA SOS-Certified Vote Data – Official Election Fraud Evidence

GA vote data deductions

GA SOS – Government Certified Evidence of Election Fraud. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has some explaining to do. His “officially

[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: Statement by Donald J. Trump, President of the United States


President Donald J. Trump makes a Statement to We the People of the Unoted States of America. Don’t forget to follow us

BREAKING NEWS: President Trump shares ‘tweet’ to jail GA Governor and SOS for certifying illegal ballots.

GA Gov and SOS

President Donald Trump ‘retweeted’ a social media post from attorney Lin Wood which states the Georgia Governor and Secretary of State, “…