Russians Pay Only $1.41 USD Per Gallon of Gasoline In Biden’s Plan to Punish Russia.

Of course the world understands the average Russian salaray is less than the average American salary.  But Biden’s plans to punish Russia

[VIDEO] Martial Law Grips DC Prepping for Biden’s Fraudulent Inauguration

As the fraudulent inauguration of Joe Biden draws ever nearer, martial law grips the nation as military troops lockdown Washington, D.C. Please



President Trump has a new message for America.  And America’s re-elected President has a new social media account at without all

[VIDEO-BREAKING] False-Flag PsyOp – ‘Trump-Supporters’ Blamed as Police Led Mob into our Capitol while Fraudulent Biden Electoral Votes Were Counted

Police led mob into Capitol

The Lame-Stream-Media lies continue to polute America’s understanding of the Truth of what happened in our United (for how long) States Capitol

[WARNING: VIOLENT VIDEO] Gunman Shoots & Kills Unarmed Veteran Ashli Babbitt – #FalseFlag

Alex Jones Lays Out What Really Happened At The US Capitol Warning: The above video link contains graphic violence.  Alex Jones financed

[VIDEO] Mike Pence’s Treason & Sedition Against America

Pence leers at his President

Yesterday, as the government false-flag pre-planned attack exposed in our article of ‘Millennial Millie’ Weaver’s Christmas Eve video premiere of her investigative

[VIDEO] 30,593 Trump votes deducted & 12,173 votes flipped to Biden in GA SOS-Certified Vote Data – Official Election Fraud Evidence

GA vote data deductions

GA SOS – Government Certified Evidence of Election Fraud. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has some explaining to do. His “officially

[BREAKING] PA Senate Decertifies SOS-Certified Electors – Demands “Due Process”

PA Senate logo

It appears as if the Pennsylvania Senate just decertified their Secretary of State chosen electors. Some may argue this is not a

[BREAKING VIDEO] 423,000+ Trump votes removed in PA: Data Confirms State-Certified Election Fraud

PA election fraud certified Massive amounts of widespread voter fraud have officially been entered into the government records, including by Georgia Secretary of State Brad

[BREAKING VIDEO] Dominion’s WiFi Modem CONFESSION – (WARNING: Adult Language)

Dominion Eric Coomer

Despite the desperate attempts to deny the Dominion complicity in the massive election fraud evidenced more and more daily, Dominion exec and