[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: Giuliani challenges 50,000 illegal WI votes in the US Supreme Court.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his legal team have already filed a petition to challenge Pennsylvania’s illegally certified election fraud.  Please remember to

[VIDEO] MI Poll Watcher: “I witnessed the military ballots being duplicated. I just thought it was strange that only Biden’s name was selected, no down ballot…and not one was for Trump.”

MI Poll Watcher - Miltary Ballots all Biden duplicated no down-ballot.

Poll watcher in Michigan: “I witnessed the military ballots being duplicated. I just thought it was strange that only Biden’s name was

BREAKING NEWS: President Trump’s #StopTheSteal video is CENSORED on his personal website.

President Trump censored by America's enemies, Big Tech.

President Trump’s #StopTheSteal video is being censored on his own website, DonaldJTrump.com .   We recently checked and the video is still showing

[VIDEO] “you are actively covering-up evidence of a major federal crime”- Giuliani Warns Swing-State Governors of their Baseless Claim ‘Biden won’

Giuliani warns governors of crimes to cover up evidence

“If you will not produce those [Dominion voting] machines, you are actively covering-up evidence of a major federal crime.” Mayor Rudy Giuliani

[VIDEO PREMIERE] ‘Revenge Of The Kraken’ – ‘Millennial Millie’ Weaver Uncovers Deep State PsyOp Warfare & America’s Response

Millie Weaver - 2019-11-30 - Nov 30, 2019 Will They Steal The 2020 Election

‘Millennial Millie’ Weaver premiered her latest investigative video, ‘Revenge of the Kraken’. This is a must see for all Patriotic Americans. Please

[VIDEO] Can VP Mike Pence Count Illegally Certified Electoral Votes for Biden?

As many know, President Trump tweeted a warning to all, that certification of illegal ballots is a crime. State executives defied the warning and

[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: Statement by Donald J. Trump, President of the United States


President Donald J. Trump makes a Statement to We the People of the Unoted States of America. Don’t forget to follow us

[VIDEO] President Trump’s Path 2 Victory & 2nd Term Swamp Draining.

Trump surrounded by Patriots and Forefathers sketch

After President Trump’s reelection on November 03, 2020, the fraud kicked in. Swing States stopped their counts. Bipartisan poll watchers, challengers, and

[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: General Flynn explains Military options to secure 2020 election integrity as ‘shake-ups’ reported at the Pentagon.

General Flynn

General Flynn explained to Newsmax TV, President Trump’s options to appoint a ‘Special Counsel’ immediately, seize the Dominion and other voting machines