[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: Statement by Donald J. Trump, President of the United States


President Donald J. Trump makes a Statement to We the People of the Unoted States of America. Don’t forget to follow us

[VIDEO] President Trump’s Path 2 Victory & 2nd Term Swamp Draining.

Trump surrounded by Patriots and Forefathers sketch

After President Trump’s reelection on November 03, 2020, the fraud kicked in. Swing States stopped their counts. Bipartisan poll watchers, challengers, and

[VIDEO] 2020 Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America? (An Epoch Times Exclusive Documentary)

The Epoch Times has presented a new documentary.  Their link can be found here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america_3617562.html https://www.brighteon.com/18ac36ef-7214-4725-9676-4a93bb22e0dd   https://youtu.be/-Mw58r0FkNo Don’t forget to follow

President Trump: Executive Order – in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

President Trump Executive Order Foreign INterference in US Elections


Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Issued on: September 12, 2018

[VIDEO] Text “FRAUD” to 88022 – STOP THE STEAL – banned message from President Trump

President Trump smiles at podium

President Trump has sent a message to America, being massively censored by social media, Big Tech and the MSM. Share far and

BREAKING NEWS: President Trump shares ‘tweet’ to jail GA Governor and SOS for certifying illegal ballots.

GA Gov and SOS

President Donald Trump ‘retweeted’ a social media post from attorney Lin Wood which states the Georgia Governor and Secretary of State, “…

[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: AG Bill Barr Resigns with Legacy of Failure

Barr grimace - Trump watches

United States Attorney General Willaim Barr has submitted his letter of resignation to President Trump. He will leave office on December 23,

[VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS: “The Capitol is closed” Michigan GOP Electors Blocked by Police from entering Capitol

MI Capitol is closed

It is being reported with video on a “tweet” that Michigan GOP Electors are being blocked from entering the Michigan State Capitol

[VIDEO – VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED] [satire] Is President Trump about to send “THEM” a message?

Is President Trump about to send “THEM” a message? By “THEM”, We the People are referring to the criminal coupsters about to